Bookmark Importer 2.0 for the 32-bit Command Line ------------------------------------------------- Overview -------- Bookmark Importer 2.0 for the 32-bit command line is a utility allowing a user to exchange bookmarks between their favorite browsers. This version of Bookmark Importer is ideally suited to users who need a compact utility for bookmark conversion without a graphical user interface. Using a third-party windows or DOS based scheduler (such as Wcron) bookmarks can automatically be converted. Alternatively Bookmark Importer can be added to your log on script so that your bookmarks are synchronized between your browsers. System Requirements ------------------- ù Windows 95/Windows NT 3.51 or later ù The current DOS version only works under the 32-bit command line (the MS-DOS command line under Windows 95 and Windows NT). It will not work with MS-DOS Version 6.x or earlier or Windows 3.x. Quick Start Information ----------------------- The easy to use command line interface allows you to specify exactly which bookmark file and browser to import from and export to. The command line syntax is given as below: IMPORTER -i[ns|ie|ms|html|ie16] {filespec} -e[ns|ie|ms|html|ie16] {filespec} where -i is the browser to import bookmarks from. The following keys indicate the browser type: ns - Netscape ie - Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.x, 3.x ms - Mosaic 2.x or later ie16 - Microsoft Internet Explorer 16-bit -e is the browser to export bookmarks to. Use the following keys to indicate which browser to export to: ns - Netscape ie - Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.x, 3.x ms - Mosaic 2.x or later ie16 - Microsoft Internet Explorer 16-bit filspec is the file or directory you are importing/exporting to/from. This is an optional item. If none is given, then Bookmark Importer will first search the IMPORTER.INI (see below) to determine the bookmark location. If none given, Importer will search your computer for the location. If you wish to import bookmarks from locations other than the default locations, you must explicitly tell the application via command line or via the IMPORTER.INI file (not advise). Example ------- To import your Netscape Bookmarks and export them to Microsoft Internet Explorer the following command is issued: importer -ins "c:\program files\netscape\navigator\bookmark.htm" -eie c:\windows\favorites Alternatively if you do not know the location of your bookmarks the same results as the command above can be achieved using the following command: importer -ins -eie Browsers Supported in this version ---------------------------------- Browser Import From Export To =================================================================== Netscape Navigator X X (1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x) Microsoft Internet Explorer X X (32-bit 2.0, 3.0) Microsoft Internet Explorer X X (16-bit 1.x, 2.x, 3.x) Mosaic (2.x) X X HTML File X X Release Notes ------------- The latest build makes a backup of your bookmark file before bookmarks are appended to the file. If your browser stores bookmarks in a file Bookmark Importer will make a backup before modifying the file (backup is stored in [BOOKMARK FILENAME].bak). Command Line Switches (Reference) --------------------------------- -i[key]: Import Bookmarks from the browser specified by key (see below) -e[key]: Export bookmarks to the browser specified by key (see below) -v: Version of Bookmark Importer for 32-bit command line -b: Backup bookmarks for the browser being exported before modifying key (Browser Type) ns: Netscape Navigator ie: Microsoft Internet Explorer (32-bit) ie16: Microsoft Internet Explorer (16-bit) ms: Mosaic 2.x or Later html: HTML file The IMPORTER.INI file --------------------- All initialization strings are read and written to a file called "IMPORTER.INI". Most string value pairs are fine with their default value. The content of the default importer.ini file is shown below: [Bookmark Importer.Config] Filters=http://;mailto;gopher://;ftp://;telnet://; Explorer32BitBackup=FALSE NetscapeNavigator= InternetExplorer32= Filters Key: ----------- "FILTERS" key comes in handy when a person wishes to import certain links. For example, if the key-value pair is constructed in the following manner; Filters=http:\\;mailto;gopher://;ftp://;telnet://; Bookmark Importer will import links/shortcuts where the protocol matches either http, mailto, gopher, ftp, and telnet. All other protocols are not processed. If additional protocols are required, they may be added to the Filter key. Note: Protocols must be separated and terminated with the semi-colon (including the last one). NetscapeNavigator and InternetExplorer32: ---------------------------------------- The "NetscapeNavigator" and "InternetExplorer32" key have the same function as the {filespec} in the command line. These key contains the address of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer and will be updated after the first initialization. NOTE: It is advised that IMPORTER.INI not be tampered with. Support ------- Contact webOBJ Technology Inc. by sending e-mail to: ---- Bookmark Importer is a Trademark of webOBJ Technology Inc.